Friday, October 31, 2003

hai.. hai.. Alhamdulillah, Praise to Allah for giving me the chance to wake up this morning, alive and healthy. Hopefully today, my work will go smooth. instead of being given a lot of work, also hope that Allah will help me to be patient with all those people who never think about others, never cares about other's problem and only cares about theirselves. Yahhh.. thats life and that's what most people do. Not all actually but a few of them in my life really give me bad headache.

Uhu... what a terrible and miserable day i had yesterday. Well not the whole day coz part of it was very fun, the time when i was chatting with Jaja. I am happy for her coz her long time problem seems to be nearly settled. A lot of buyer queue up to buy her house now. Well, the pathetic part yesterday was after the lunch time, i was so busy. I had to settle some last minute work and being scold by our MD Assistant (we called her nenek pasal cerewet) for the delayed. Well, it's not my fault then. It's not that i try to escape from being accused. But that's true you know. When other people fail to submit their work to me, i coudn't do anything to do with the final report. Well, she warned me to make sure all reports settled by this morning by 9.00 am and she even asked me to stay back in office yesterday in case i couldn't complete the documents. I told her that i will try my best, no joke.. but she seems to not satisfy with that promise, no try2 more, you must finish it today. Huh.. so, yesterday i get out from my office at 6.40 pm and had my iftar on road. cedihnya.. nak nangis. And the worst, i was alone finishing the work. Where's my collegues during this diificult time ? They went back already. What a poor team work here.

Here i got a nasyid lyric by Mawaddah. I was searching for it for a long time ago but only today that i found it. Maybe it has something tersirat to do with most of people nowadays.


Bila Tuhan tak ditakuti
Macam-macam boleh terjadi
Tiap orang tak ketahuan hala hidupnya sendiri
Maka rosaklah disana sini

Ada manusia puja alam sebagai Tuhan
Mabuk dengan gelombang laut yang menggulung
Digambarkan dengan kata sastera mempesona
Mereka tenggelam dalam gelombang sasteranya
Ia leka sendiri dengan buah penanya
Bagai orang tenggelam dalam lautan menggulung
Tidak tahu tujuan kemana mahu pergi

Ada juga yang sibuk bercakap dengan emosinya sekali
Mengelilingi seluruh negeri
Kadang-kadang berbohong sesuka hati
Berkata tidak mengota
Mengecam orang tak usah dikira
Sudah jadi makan minumnya

Ada golongan sibuk dengan kesalahan orang
Seolah-olah mereka wira agama
Konon hendak membersihkan agama dari noda
Yang sebenarnya berlakon di depan manusia
Bukan hidup realitinya

Mereka lupa diri sendiri
Mereka sendiri buat dosa
Membeli kereta dan rumah terlibat dengan riba
Anak-anak dan juga isteri terdedah aurat setiap hari
Perbualan setiap hari tentang kenaikan gaji dan juga pangkat
Hidup sendiri nafsi-nafsi
Kecuali ada urusan rasmi
Yang ada kaitan dengan gaji

Bakhilnya amat ketara sekali
Mereka lupa semua itu adalah
Kesesatan dalam beragama
Yang punya kuasa berbangga dengan kuasanya
Menggertak manusia setiap hari
Akta-akta dibuat untuk selamatkan diri mereka
Membantu orang bukan dari hatinya sendiri
Jasa-jasa disebut berulang-ulang kali
Menceritakan jasa kepada manusia
Maka hilanglah pahalanya
Menipu diri tak disedari

Tak kurang juga ada dikalangan manusia
Setiap hari memikirkan hendak menghiburkan manusia
Berbagai cara dan gaya dipertunjukkan
Rupanya jiwa mereka sendiri tak terhibur
jiwa mereka derita
Tak kurang juga yang bunuh diri

Oh yaaa.. i think i made new friend a few days ago. Well, i dun think it is sumthing dat i should write here, tak perlah. Well he's (a guy huh.. dun play-play) one of the staff here. Same age with me & in fact he's only 9 days younger than me. He's good.. emm well, a lot of good people out there so what so special with dis guy. He has a dip in IT from a prestigeous private college but he works here as a plant operator instead of finding other job dat closely related to IT. I can say dat this is the first malay guy in dis factory dat i can mix with, with nothing to worry about. Ahaa.. u know a lot of guy here (not only here, a lot more out there) yg cepat perasan & control macho dpn perempuan. Of cozlah they dun want to look stupid & maintain their ego. This new friend, my 1st tought about him is he looks like a nasyid singer. But a few days ago when i had the chance, we had a long conversation & i can say this guy is ok.. sekepala ngan saya, talkative & giler2 sikit. I think dat's becoz we born in the same era so our mind & the way of thinking are quite the same. And he luvs nasyid too. His hp got the Ainul Mardhiah (UNIC) ringtone & he looks shocked to find out dat i know the song. We use the term of 'aku' 'ngkau', that's what i like most. Mmg pun member yg rapat semua bahasakan diri aku ngkau ngan saya tak kira laki ker perempuan and i am comfortable with that coz rasa bebas nak kata apa2 pun. As mentioned by Rina in his blog, no gender between us, just friend. This new friend also a bit like Rina, he has a plan for his future n alwiz try to improve diri sendiri. A few months ago, when i was facilitating a course and he was one of the participants, he looked very motivated, eager to know new thing and tak malu bercakap depan public. He even try to write in english even his english memang tak berapa bagus. (sama lah aku pun). Same as Jaja, i like to see our Malay people yg tak malu n ada smgt nk majukan diri.

Last but not least, selamat berpuasa dan semoga selamat segala-galanya. Wassalam.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

See.. look at the image below.. does it looks very nice? Bringing the raya mood to myself and now i am so excited and can't stop myself to look at the clock waiting to the strike of 12.30pm. Yahooo... this afternoon i want to go out, looking and buying myself raya cards for ma frenz !!! Oopps.. i didin't list out yet the names of the recipients like i did before every year...emm, may be tonight i'll sit down and start screening through all the names in my address book at home. Yearghhh.. screening and do some analysis..hehe.. for what. haha.. i'll pick only the names that have more than 0.5 probability of replying my cards..kikikikkk and that person definitely are my close friends and relatives, the rest ?? haha.. wait until i become a millionaire so that i can buy a card for all people that i know.This year quite 'gawat' lah my financial. Our bonus not out yet. Unfortunately our Aidilfitri come before Disember, otherwise i can spend my bonus this year for the preparation of this coming Aidilfitri. What a pity.. :(.. But nothing to worry about .. tahun depan ada lagi raya Insya-Allah.

haha.. i'm back from Kompleks Pusat Bandar.. Fuiyooo, meriah sehh.. kat carpark dah penuh bazar, kat ruang legar kat dlmnya pun dah penuh jugak. A lot of people selling cloth for Raya, raya cards and a lot more. hehe.. i couldn't decide which type of raya cards should i buy. And finally after struggling (heheh..) for half an hour, i bring 6 pack of raya cards, each pack contains 5 pieces) to the counter. Haha.. quite a lot i guess. Since a long time, i dun like buying raya cards which sold sekeping2 tu. Im not kinda choosy person. But i alwiz make sure that the card i buy not less beautiful and elegant also with the cost of them bulehlah tahan, tak mahal sangat. Raya cards buying, sending and receiving ahaxx.. are essential for me during this festive season. tak buleh tidak. For me the thing that lightened up my raya is buying, sending, receiving raya cards and the raya songs. It's not that others are less important or do not mean anything for me but kureng sikit dia punya feel.

Ok.. that's all for today.. i got a lot of work to do now. Selamat Ber Ramadhan.. Salamz

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Dam dam dum bunyi mercun.. !!!! Aiyo maa aiyo paa.. apa sudah jadi.. ? Giler betul budak2 ni. Baru jer masuk 2nd Ramadhan but here, in my place, you can hear the sound of mercun. Anak sapalah tu dah gatal main mercun. Hehe.. sib baik mercun xmasuk umah aku, kalo tak, jaga kau. Haha.. that remind me to some time during fasting month in 2000 or 2001 I guess. Dat time I was occupying a room at S15 in KTC near to our cafĂ©. Budak2 ATMA (Akademi Tentera Malaysia) yg stay KTC selalulah guna laluan near to my block to go to their dining hall. Entah apa dajalnya depa ni yg mmg tkenal sbg suka mengacau civilian especially siswi ni tgh kemaruk lempar mercun ke blok siswi. Elo brother, taulah nk raya, tak yah nk guna taktik kotor nk ngurat siswi2 kat sini. Taulah askar, konon macho sgt lah tu. Pooodaahhh. So, blok yg selalu jd mangsa adlh S15 & S14 lah. Kalau sekala-sekala tu buleh tahan lagik, ni smpai tiap2 mlm, tak tau ker org nk tidur ker, org nk study ker, nk semayang ker, nk ngaji ker, klu org sakit jantung mmg dah nazak tperanjat dgr mercun derang tu. Dan nk dijadikan cerita, masa tu plak my floormate ramai yg tgh buat projek tahun akhir, we need to concentrate & kalau buleh tamohlah ada org mengacau. Tp nampaknya budak ATMA ni mmg nk kena hajo sikit baru tau, Derang ingat derang tu bagus sgt, ingat kita takut sgt kat derang tu. Silap oranglah. Derang mmg dah silap target krn singa betina KTC (ehemm.. edenlah tu) stay at the block nearby. So, Time for action !! esok malam terus dah senyap, tak der lagi bunyi mercun. Hahaa.. baru korang tau. Saya tulih surat aduan kpd bos besar budak ATMA tu. Saya tau, Mejar ATMA paling tak suka klu ada civilian mengadu pasal ATMA, plg2 teruk, depa mesti kena sound giler2 teruk punya, Yg budak ATMA ni plak dgn Mejar derang mmg kecut perut punya. Saya ada jugak dengar desas-desus konon budak ATMA xpuas hati & cari saper yg ngadu kat Mejar derang.. haha.. kalau depa betul2 nak tau, saya mmg sanggup ngaku depan2, apa nk takut kan ? Setakat S15, entah dah brapa ramai yg kena sound dgn saya psl suka bertenet tgh mlm buta kat luar blok, duk rapat2 cam nak berpeluk..hee… tak senonoh, taulah bercinta tp pilih2 lah masa sikit. Kelat2 muka budak2 laki ni biler saya turun sound derang.. (dlm hati tergelak). Ada jugak tu yg jenis degil dan melawan, nak tunjuk gangster plak. Orang tegur baik2 dia tunjuk lagak plak. Haha.. memula mmg saya biar jer, tapi biler sampai 2-3 pagi xbalik2, saya trus call pak guard, haha.. kejap jer, pak guard pun dtg, kecut masing2. Huhu.. berjaya.. hehe.. dah macam spy polis plak rasanya..kikikk.. tapi itu pun berani pasal saya ni kira ber status lah kat kolej tu, kalau tak, tak dernya..

I just finished checking my work that I bring home. Actually saya ni tak derlah produktif n rajin sgt smpi bawak balik kerja kat umah tp lately, kat ofis, saya byk mengular, bukan mengular yg berjalan gi tmpt lain tp buat kerja lain yg xberkaitan cthnya nulih blog, touch up blog, surfing, chatting dll. So, kerja pun dah makin menimbun, minggu dpn rasanya lagi byk keje masuk, so terpaksalah sikit kerja ni saya bawak balik, kiranya cover balik waktu yg saya dah waste kat ofis ari tu. Ari ni kerja yg saya siapkan adalah check balik calculation utk Sales Rebate for our flour customer. Byk nak kena kira, ada dekat beratus customer yg amik bermacam2 produk, n setiap produk n customer tu diberikan rebate yg berlainan. Leceh nak check satu2, dahler kali ni kena buat utk 2 bulan sekaligus punya sales. Berpinar jugaklah bijik mata nengok figure2 tu semua. Tp kan, biler tgh checking tu, saya mula terpk, kaya betul company ni, rugi plak rasanya klu berenti. Yer lah, bygkanlah sales utk satu customer ajer dah buleh jejak 7 angka sbulan (tak masuk decimal lagi tu). Customer plak ramai area Johor, Sabah Sarawak ngan Singapore. Belum masuk by product lg yg blambak. Cth utk bulan august ajer, sale utk Britannia (biskut) dekat 800K. Hemm.. pk2 pun saya rasa bersyukur jugak dpt kerja kat sini. Walaupun skop kerjanya kureng menyenangkan skit tapi saya buleh rasa selesa psl company ni sgt rendah probability dia nak gawat apa lagi gulung tikar. Company ni mmg kurang glamer psl supply barang yg separuh siap. Bayangkanlah tepung, biler yg orang akan stop makan tepung? gawat2 pun orang tetap nak beli tepung jugak. Yer tak ? Environment mmg agak tough tapi worthlah. Bonus Alhamdulillah stp tahun bonus wajib 2 bulan punya mesti ada, masuk bulan disember, bulan Jan nya ada lagi bonus tp berapa bulan tu, ikut pada prestasi individu (ayat kacau bilau). My colleague yg sama2 dlm training team dia dah kerja dah lama jugak kat sini, tahun lepas ajer dia punya bonus ajer dekat 14K !!!! mak aii.. kayanya. Tu baru staff level supervisory..kalau HOD tu tak taulah berapa bonus derang.. Ada tu kerani pun gaji lebih 2 ribu, kalah aku ni yg graduate. No wonderlah kalau kat sini byk sgt staff yg veteran, masing2 sayang nak berenti. Apa lagi yg best kat sini ek.. oo haaa.. kitorang tiap2 bulan akan dpt tepung sorang 2 kilo. Kalau musim perayaan plak ditambah 5 kilo lagi jadik 7 kilo..huhu,, best giler.. Kilang sebelah pulak akan kasi subsidi minyak masak free yg 5 kilo tu Neptune atau Sri Murni….seronok sehh..

Oh yaaaa.. bestnya, nak kasi tau yg permohonan pengurangan bayaran balik pinjaman pelajaran MARA saya dah diluluskan. Saya cuma kena bayar balik 1 peratus daripada total amount yg dekat 20 k tu, so saya kena bayar tak sampai dua ratus pun. Seronoknyeeeerrr.. hehe sempat berlagak ngan adik yg amik PTPTN, padan muka dia kena bayar berlebih2 plak. Kikikk.

Tengah menaip ni, tetiba saya t'ingat satu artikel smlm kat paper pasal virtual keyboard (VK). VK ni digunakan untuk device yg kecik2 mcm PDA atau enpon. Kan susah klu nk menaip document guna PDA atau enpon pasal keyboard kecik, dan key yg ada pun limited. So dgn adanya VK ni, kiter dpt taip mcm kat keyboard yg besar ni. Kita letak jer PDA atau hp tu kat atas meja, nanti device tu akan sinarkan cahaya laser dgn imej key board bersaiz sbnr pd mana2 permukaan rata di hdpn peranti kita tu. So kita pun bolehlah menaip dgn menekan imej2 key yg dipancarkan tu. Ada isyarat infra red yg akan dipancarkan bg mengesan kdudukan n pgerakan tgn pgguna yg menaip. So, urup yg kita taip tu dikesan mlalui pgerakan jari2 kita lah. Yg bestnya, artikel tu kata, biler kita taip atas imej2 VK tu, dia akan kuarkan bunyi klik-klik lembut sebiji mcm bunyi kita menaip atas keyboard biasa. Hemm… menarik kan ? canggih dan kreatif, tapi lepas ni pasti akan ada lagi yg lebih canggih dari tu semua. Komputer, menda paling cepat improve dari masa ke semasa. Teringat masa study dulu, ikut teori Hukum Moore, number of transistor in a silicon chip will doubled annually, maksudnya akan berganda lah keupayaan computer stp tahun, Tapi baru2 ni saya baca dlm computimes, ada pihak yg kata, teori tu dah tak valid psl skrg semuanya dah lbh pantas lbh hebat dari apa yg moore katakan dulu tu. Waahhh.. tak terbayang dek akal.

Ok.. gtg.. babai.. salamz.. selamat berpuasa, selamat buka puasa, selamat sahur, selamat semayang terawikh..

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Assalamualaikum ma frenz...
Lazy Saturday, only a few people come to ofis today, the rest ? on leave, biasaklah dapt peluang cuti lama ni. semalam dah cuti, ari ni nak kerja cam tak berbaloi kan. so baik cuti, isnin ni cutik lagik.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow is our fasting month. Ahaaa.. one of ma fren asked me about my preparation, hehe.. i just told him, sama jer. Hehe.. it's not that i am such bad slave of Allah that never care about the coming Ramadhan yg mmbawa jutaan rahmat. It's just that i dun think that it is sumthing that i must share with people. I am not that kinda person that wil easily talk about my intention, my plan or about future. Let it kept silently in my mind coz if it came to happen that i cakap tak serupa bikin, shame on me. I dun like that sort of people n i also dun want to be that sort person too. Cakap berabuk tapi hampeh, actions are more important. Haha. here in ma ofis, we have one person of that sort. Cakap mmg berabuk tp kadang2 berterabur cam haper, konon dia soranglah yg pandai, tau semua benda tapi biler part action tu mmglah hancuss jadi debu. And i also realize that he alwiz try to get my attention dgn cakap2 yg konon hebatlah tu kan. Buhsannya.. one thing that i hate very much is, i know he's not that kinda alim guy, but alwiz pretend to be. Biler depan saya tu, sikit2 kalimah2 pujian Allah mesti kuar dri mulut dia, tp kadang2 tak kena tempat. A'enna, takyahlah sampai cam tu sekali, be honest lah, tak yah nak berlagak. haha.. tu mmg dah kira ngumpat, tp honest lah kan. That's all. Btw, i just wanna wish u all Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

Last night, i went back to Sg Sayong, tanah tumpah darahku. Atuk buat kenduri. As usual, mesti seronok sgt biler dpt jumpa sepupu sepapat n mak2 sedara. Ada ajer lawak yg kuar. Dengan karenah sepupu2 kecik yg punya ramai, meriah betul rumah tu. Normally tender membasuh pinggan lepas kenduri mesti kepada sepupu tertua dlm family, uhu.. Kak Long Ayu, Kak Long Ain dan Kak Ngah Adah. Semalam meriah pasal teka teki. i remember two of them. Banyak2 moto, moto apa yg boleh dimakan? Lepas 777, 888, lepas 888, 999. Lepas 999 apa ? sakit perut gelak. So, rasa tak sabar nak tunggu family day sempena raya puasa nnti. Semua family akan dtg, sumer org pakai baju kuning, byk aktiviti plak tu, seronoknyaaaaaaa... hehe. terover sekejap...:D

Last two days, i did attend a meeting with a few people from logistic department, warehouse and a computer system supplier who developed our system. We discussed about new function that should be added to the current system. Haha.. as usual, i keep my mouth shut all the way. It's not that i dun know, i know what.. cuma malas. But my mind keep asking why should we add, we already have that function in the system, but since i entered this company last year, i found that they didn't use that function, or maybe they dun know how to operate it. And suddenly they ask the supplier to developed one. Tak ker bodoh namanya. Dah sure2 supplier tu rasa "eleh simple jer, buduhnya depa ni, function dah ada tapi tak reti guna" So, derang pun akan pretend konon one new function had been added but actually it was there since a long time ago. Senang2 jer supplier buat duit dari kebodohan orang. Pas tu, we came to an issue that i thinklah kan, alamak simple ajer, u just have to add a few field in your database or if the programmer creative enough, he can just manipulate some function line. Tapi programmer yg datang tu saya tengoklah, konon macam thinking very hard, to do it, how to do it, im cracking up my head. and the others yg attend meeting pun macam rasa pening2 jugaklah kan. Haha.. that's the problem when your IT head has no IT background. You know that u're more capable than him but u can't expose your ability coz of the different position. Unfortunately, you're working with Chinese Company and your boss is chinese too. Sometimes i felt like want to laugh out loud evertime when any staff asked him to do sumthing with h/w or s/w, he wil, answered.. "oo..cannot cannot.. that cannot be done" easy huh ? haha i know it can be done actually, but my boss already said so, saya pun malas nak bising2.

That meeting made me think a lot. I have abandon my knowledge in computer science. I dun do a lot of big programming right now, but alwiz doing sumthing else that far away nuthing to do with programming. I know i can be better that that supplier yg datang ari tu. Actually programming is not simple, i admit that. in my 1st year in UTM, i learned the basic programming. You just wanna add two numbers, but the programming took many lines of instruction actually. Then i learned about how to draw a simple window using programming. huhu.. hundreds of line. You need to specifiy the pixel, the color, the position, how to make the cursor move, how to make sure the click on certain area will produce some function. Leceh betul sbnrnya, tp once u master the skill, it's gonna be very fun. Yeah, i miss that time, especially currently i did a lot of things with this blog, slowly i rebrush up my programming skill in HTM. So, am i in the right place right now, in this co? i keep thinking about that. Maybe i should start again looking for other job that will really help me to improve my knowledge and skill. But when?

Hehe.. ok i must stop now otherwise i'll spend all my ofis time today just writing this blog. Boss semua takder, cuti, tu yg best. Tapi kerja kena jugak nak dibereskan. Menimbun. .. Salamz..
(this is my my blog for a few days ago that i keep forgetting to bring it to ofis, so here it is)
Yuuhuu… Assalamualaikum.. how r u guyz, my beloved frenz ? ahaxx.. am I using the right words to express my gratitude of having u all as my frenz ? I should add a few.. be’resprect’ed and be’aprreciate’ed. Haha.. dat’s better. I know u all have that three be..ed for me.

My cd now is playing the oldies Stand By Me. I like this CD, it was given by my Indonesian fren, Neng Sri Novi Fitri Yani. First time I meet people with 5 words name. But I just call her Kak Novi. She was in the same master class with me and the 1st person that I befriend on the 1st day of my registeration for the master course (Management Of Technology). She just finished her study coz she is full time students, while I have to wait for another two sem to finish. She will be back to Indonesia today so last sunday she ask me whether I can show her my hometown Kota Tinggi coz she never been there. With open arms, I agreed, so that day, skerat ari we all merayau satu bandar. She bought a lot of things to bring back to Indonesia, cute shoes for her niece, a few set of keronsang, a few pair of cloth, tembikar, criystal flower n not to forget she treat me nasi ayam at the most famous Malay Restaurant in the town, yummy… You wanna try ? Find time to visit me here and I will alwiz ready to be your tourist guide but with two condition. 1st, you must be certified as my fren n 2nd, make sure u’ve no blood of Laksamana Bentan or Megat Seri Rama (that guy yg bunuh Sultan Mahmud pasal Sultan tu belah perut isteri dia utk tengok betul ker anak dlm perut pompuan tu yg mengidam nak makan nangka yg dicurik seulas dari buah nangka istana). Beware, dun play-play huh.. if u muntah darah by the time you enter this district, I will not responsible then coz some local said that the curse still there. Ok.. back to the story about Kak Novi, she’s very good, amazingly rajin and very nice at treating her frenz. Huhu, till now, I got a lot of souvenirs from her that she brought from Indon, of coz lah kan.. coz I am very nice too..kikikikkk.. Till now, she already gave me a few pairs of scarf, kicap made in Indon (different look and taste with local kicap), magi made in Indon jugak yg tak masuk mesia lagi..seeedaaapp.. apa lagi.. ooo she showed me her CD collection that she bring from Indon and asked me to take any CD that I like..huhu, that’s cool, how generous she is. So I take this oldies CD and The Best Of Betharia Sonatha, hemm.. who is Betharia? U dun know? I dun know either. But Kak Novi suggest me to take this CD coz it’s good. I dun knowlah how good coz I do not play it yet. Apa2 pun, thanks to her.

Ahaa.. u know what, I dun know why lately I like the scents of lavender very much. I like the purple color too, the color of lavender. I got one purple color punya baju kurung for the coming Aidilfitri. (at this point, my CD play How Deep Is Your Love. Huhu..i like this song verrry much especially the new version sang by old Take That, clip yg derang kena ikat kat kusi tu). Last sunday afternoon when kak novi was busy looking for shoes for her niece, I was also busy trying to smell all shower cream, lotion and talcum that have the smell of lavender. I think I ilke the Johnson bed time lotion, bed time bath and Lavender talcum most. Very sweet. I wanted to buy one but my wallet did not allow me to do so. Kesian tuhhs. Tak per may be some other time or when the time come when I become a millionaire, I will buy a lavender farm in Taiwan or China.. best tuh...yiihaaa..yiba yiba anggre anggre (aiyargghh.. cartoon apa tu ek..lupa). Hehe, a few months ago I watch a serial Taiwan drama in channel 8 Singapore, tajuknya Lavender, the story is about a sick (weak heart) girl who works in a flower nursery who dream of having her own farm one day that grows all lavender. I like the drama becoz of the beautiful scenery in it. But I dun think that I had been influenced by that drama lah kan sampai kan I like the lavender scent very much. Actually there’s also a Hong Kong Movie Lavender, starring by Takeshi tentang percintaan angel dengan tukang buat minyak wangi. One more thing, before I send kak novi to Bus Station, I went to an optical centre, at 1st I just want to repair my spec, that spec yg Jaja tukang pilih tu lah. But the optimetrist suggest me to buy a new frame coz the spare parts cost as much as the new one. Huhu.. as usual I couldn’t decide which frame should I buy. Hehe.. u know, I choose the purple color frame, very nice, purple metalik. Kak novi pun setuju plak tu. So once again, I stuck with purple.

You already read Jaja’s blog that she wrote her part about our frenship? I really appreciate it very much. Hehe.. know why, coz she wrote all good things about me that make my heart floating kikikkik. Made me feel important too (she wrote this in her blog and proudly I would like to say I feel the same way too). Haha.. sib baiklah blog kitorang not a lot of people know, kalau tak, karang ramai plak orang nak berkenalan ngan aku lepas baca komen jaja pasal aku tu,.. heheh.. ada unsur2 keperasanan di situ, jangan marah. Tapi kalau ada pun org nak berkenalan, jgn haraplah nak dapat the same kinda friendship that I share with Jaja, only special person can befriend with special person jugak. Huhu.. keperasanan utk kedua kali. You know, Jaja and I had agreed yesterday to subsribe a web hosting together, we gonna share it. That’s cheaper. We plan to subscribe the service that cost 330 for the start and 100 annually. We will use our own domain names, have our own website, blog, and email hosting there. I can imagine how great it will be. Now we are looking for response from our friend rina whether he would like to join the club or not, if he agreed, the cost will be lower, 110 per person and everybody will get more than 10mb storage for web and email respectively.

Ahaa.. last night I watched the 1st episode of drama series Puding Roti Kari Ayam on Suria Channel Singapoer. Actually this is the 3rd time I watch this drama. But I still like it. I think the story is very sweet and realistic. Kelakar pun ada. Rasa sweet sangat tengok Varnidah ngan Shidi sbg husband n wife, saling bertanggungjawab, tapi kelakar dalam serius. Kesianlah kat Noreen pasal laki dia si Fariz asyik melekat kat umah mak dia ajer mentang2 dekat.. tu yg utk raya depa gaduh pasal masing2 nak balik raya umah mak masing2. Haha.. Tv Singapore yg satu ni mmg dah makin galak tayang rancangan yg berkaitan ngan raya. Saya pun tumpang seronok, mood raya dah bukan main dah ni. Hehe.. Look at the dialog below.. I remember some lines from the drama that I like very much

“Banyak shopping” Nor tengah sibuk belek2 baju baru beli
“ Nak bawak balik kampung”
“Balik kampung ?”
“Dua bulan sblm puasa abang dah kata nak balik beraya kampung nor”
“Tapi abang tak janji”
“Tapi abang dah tercakap”
“Banyak kerjalah nor.. blabla.. kita balik lepas2 raya jerlah”
“abis tu bang kita nak beraya kat mana tahun ni”
“Kampung abanglah, kan dekat” Fariz pun blah.. sambil nor macam tak puas hati.

“Kenapa bang, ada yg tak kena ngan kari yam tu ker bang”
“semalam kari ayam, ari ni kari ayam lagi”
“hai bang, semalam kat umah mak abang bukan main berselera lagi abang makan kari ayam, maaflah bang, nor tak jumpa plak puding roti yg ada nama Julia atas dia ari ni”
“ ke situ plak awak”
“Tak perlah.. abang tak nak makan kan? dah jemu makan kari ayam, meh nor simpan balik lauk.” Noreen siap bangun nak angkat balik mangkuk2 lauk.
“ eh, jangan.. jangan nor.. abang nak makan.. betul abang nak makan.” Haha..lawak

“Eh mana fail ayam abang tadi”
“Fail ayam? Abang sindir nor ker? Abng tu memang selalu lebihkan keluarga abang dari nor. Tiap2 minggu nak balik kampung abang, mentang2dekat. Abis nor ni takder maka bapak? tak der adik beradik? Nor pun ada kampung jugak tau bang, Kat kampung Nor tu lagi banyak ayam”
“bapak awak toke ayam mmglah banyak ayam. Lagipun 2-3 bulan lepas kita dah balik sana. Lagipun kampung awak tu jauh, saya yang penat drive, awak duduk sbelah relax jer”
“ abis selama ni abng tak ikhlas lah balik kampung nor yer bang ?”
si fariz senyap..
Noreen pun merajuk..

Haha.. lepas 3 kali nengok dah dekat terhafal dialog dia.. tapi mmg saya suka. Ingat tak dua tahun lepas punya pemenang skrip drama raya Era yg pasal gaduh nak balik kampung tu.. huh.. idea sebiji cam drama puding roti ni.. tak taulah camna orang Era boleh kasi skrip tu menang, padahal sah2 ciplak, ayat pun lebih kurang sama. Satu lagik, saya suka lagu raya tema drama ni.. best dan paling best pasal liza hanim pun ada nyanyi..hehe. Apa ek tajuknya .. Lebaran Di Alaf Baru ?.. that's all babai.. salamz

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Assalamualaikum.. Selamat Pagi.
Hari yg dimulakan dengan sungguh ceria hari ni. Hehe..actually i did write a blog at home for two days punya aktiviti. But it alwiz happen that i forget to bring it to ofis. Padahal disket dah terang2ngan taruk atas meja comp, tinggal nak amik masuk beg jer.. itu pun lupa. Geram plak rasanya.
For this few weeks, ada student2 IPT dgn kerjasama polis trafik buat kajian lalu lintas kat area JB. Geram betullah, pasal depa semua, jalan raya asyik jam jer. Jalan tu dah tentu mmg selalu jam, derang buat survey tu lagi menambah kesesakan. Pas tu plak suka2 derang jer nak tahan mana2 keta, nak temubual utk survey. Orang nak cepat pergi kerja, depa ni lagi nak nyusahkan. My colleague kat ofis semua merungut pasal pagi petang jalan asyik jam. Geram betul, bila nak abis tak taulah.
Sib baik pagi tadi mood saya kira ok jugak. On my way to work, asyik tersenyum sorang2, u know why ? sambil dengar radio Ria (singapore) yang memang DJ nya lawak giler. That's what i like about singapore punya stesen radio, derang lebih open, lawak yg kadang2 nyakitkan hati orang tapi pendengar semua sporting nak mampus. Byk program yg kreatif2 dan best. Pagi tadi adalah depa bukak topik pasal putus cinta. Kesian jugaklah ada sorang pendengar ni namanya Wati, dia putus cinta pasal pak we dia tak suka dia pasal dia gemuk. Teruk betul kan ? Memandang rupa. Ahhh.. lelaki mmg ramai yg macam tu. Well, tak derlah kata saya ni baik sangat , tp rupa tu mmg ada mempengaruhi perspektif orang lain pada kita. Cuma satu jer yg kita kena ingat. Kalau orang yg kita tengok tu lawa giler hatta macam Aishwarya atau Arjun Rampal sekali pun, kalau Allah tu tak gerakkan hati kita utk suka, takkan jadi jugak, tul tak ?
Pagi tadi jugak, radio tu dah mainkan satu lagu faveret saya yg dah bertahun2 saya minat. A shoulder To Cry On by Tommy Page, pernah dengar ? Sedap kan lagu tu ? For me lagu tu bukanlah romantik atau jiwang2 cuma dia lebih kepada naluri seorang insan yg perlukan sahabat, dan insan lain yg sedia menjadi sahabat, itu jer. Haa.. baru ingat, lagu ni dulu, saya dpt tau dari Norzie. Dia siap ada kaset Tommy Page semata2 satu lagu ni ajer.. haha.. norzie norzie. oooppss once again, nama norzie kuar kat blog ni.. hehe.. nasiblah.

A Shoulder To Cry On

Life is full of lots of up and downs
But the distance feels further
When it's headed for the ground
And there's nothing more painful
Then to let your feelings take
you down

It's so hard to know The way you feel inside
When there's many thoughts
And feelings that you hide
But you might feel better
If you let me walk with you By your side

And when you need A shoulder to cry on
When you need A friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
You won't be alone
I'll be there I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there I'll be your friend to rely on
When the whole world's gone
You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there

All of the times When everything is wrong
And your feeling like There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I'll help you work it out And carry on

Side by side
With you till the end
I'll always be the one
To firmly hold your hand
No matter what is said or done
Our love will always continue on

And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Yihaa !!! Any diiferent ?? Can u spot any differences in dis blog ? Ahaa.. I guess u would if dis is not ur first time 2 enter dis lousy blog. Not lousy lah.. dis blog is not lousy.. the owner mayb yes..ahaxx. See, so many features had been added in this page, I have cool links dat will direct you to some of ma fren’s blog & messages boards of my x studymate. Besides, I got a guessbook & a chatbox too.. bebeh, i got them free from Internet. What else, visitor counter too also free from Internet. Look at the message at the status bar below, hehe.. how I did it ? The cursor too !!! How you did it, my dear ? Hahaa.. d answer is simple, COPY FROM INTERNET. Lately, I get into Norzie’s blog & she has that cute chat box in her blog. I wonder how she did it ? I want..I want !!! So I start to ignore my work in ofis & spend most of my time, surfing & looking for any cool stuff for my blog. See the result !!! Hehe.. actually dis is not really my materpiece coz I just add in all things dat I think good & cool. I dun care about the design, the arrangement or anything to do with art or design yet.

I just wanna let you know, I got news for you.. a news dat will strengthen up the facts dat I am a dangerous lady driver. I hit a car yesterday & d accident took place not at any busy road or town but it came to happen in my workplace, in front of my ofis. Haa… that time, I was trying to move out from parking place, reverse lah tu. But I didn’t see dat there was a car stop behind my car. So, apa lgi.. gedegang… huhu.. and my car doesn’t have the reverse sensor.. no wonderlah kan. The driver of the car also didn’t realize otherwise dia mesti dah hon lah kat aku. I was so scared & panic that time. I remember an accident that happened last year with the same situation and the car that beng hit, seriously kemik. Aduss.. jgn2 keta belakang ni pun kemik teruk. Mampus aku. Quickly I get out from my car and checked. Lega.. nothing serious. That car only got small scratch near the door, while my car, the bumper dropped, the clip at the bumper surely cracked. Also a tiny scratch there. At home, I told abah about everything and he helped me to adjust the bumper a bit. So now, it looks ok, no body would notice it I guess, like nothing happened. Hehe.. the other car belong to my officemate actually, and her husband was in that car that time. I apologize him a few times, and he just asked me to ignore and do not worry, tak apa lah… sikit jer. Fuuhh.. lega Alhamdulillah. Haha.. my ofis mate told me this morning that her husband kesian tengok muka saya masa tu, panic macam haper.. tak sampai ati nak marah. Luckily she is not like Jaja. Jaja said that if she was at my ofis mate place, she will sepak terus my car bumper.. ganas betul. Haha.. shhhh.. dun tell people about this accident. My mum also have no idea what happened, she know nothing. If she know the truth, mampuslah aku..

Last night I watched the final of Anugerah… lebih kurang mcm star search. Anugerah is a contest for searching new talent among young Singaporean in singing. 8 Finalist consist of 5 lelaki and 3 pompuan. I just wanna highlight about 2 contestant that I like most, the winner and the 3rd runner up. The winner is a woman, a pregnant woman named Eka Mairina. She’s very good in showmanship and has very powerful voice with very good control. Berdiri bulu roma dengar suara dia esp part nada tinggi, justy imagine lah tengah pregnant, rasanya dlm 5, 6 bulan jugak, perut dah besar, boleh plak tu nyanyi jerit2.. hehe bukan apa, takut terperanjat plak baby tu. Hehe.. tapi nampaklah dia put much effort for that final. She’s good in choosing song for the contest., she chose unfamiliar song, sing it in her own way.. and yet nobody can compare her to anybody. Its just like she sang her own song. Dat’s a very good strategy I guess. The other finalist that I like is Joehaidi Ahmad.. Haha.. he’s good also with man voice.. macam jamal abdillah. And the best part was he sang my faveret song, Di sudut Kamar Hati by Jamal Abdillah. Joehaidi alwiz try to make different. Since the preliminary round, he alwiz try to do something that can differentiate him from others. In the semi final, he wear traditional costume, singing traditional song.. This time, he bring flowers and tool to the stage, look very romantic.. and I like to see his expression, his eyebrow that keep moving up like Ziana Zain.. and I think he is very camera friendly too. Shafinaz as one of the judge utk malam tu pun siap puji2 lagi dia. ok..That’s all babai.. chow chin chow

Friday, October 17, 2003

Hi.. back to my ofis after two days MC. Actually it's not two.. 1 and a half but in the admin record, two dayslah kan. Hemm. tak aci betul.. org dah kerja half day lah ari tu, doktor tu lah punya pasal, i thought, small matter jer lah kan, mata merah sikit.. takkan sampai kena MC kot. Hish.. kalo ku tau lah aku dapt mc ari tu, baik aku pi check doktor di awal pagi, seblum klinik tu bukak, for sure aku dah pi tunggu depan pintu.

Huhu.. u know, at d'clinic, dr tu asyik membebel macam mak nenek. "Jgn makan ayam, udang sotong..bla bla bla. Nak cantik kena rajin, jgn buat mcm tu lagik. Jgn dah pakai CL for two weeks, bahaya ni buleh jadi buta, kalau pas ni tak ok, datang balik, kita rujuk ke hospital dll" dia punya ceramah tu smpi saya nak bukak mulut sikit pun tak berkesempatan coz he conquered d 'conversation. Hehe.. bunyinyer cam sakit seius sgtlah plak. Well, i admit that was my mistake. What the hell after a few years wearing CL, cuma ni jerlah baru nak jadi kes macam ni. Hemm.. tu nak kasi peringatan lah tu kan? After this mmg gerenti ingat punya, nak tidur, rajin2kanlah diri anda tanggalkan CL tu dan rendamlah di dalam solution secukup rasa. Hehe.. takleh lupa first time jumpa doktor lelaki yg banyak berleter.. Eee.. rasa nak jer cakap "SHUT UP !!!" depan muka dia.

Balik umah, mak pulak membebel, dengan nada menyindir dan gelak2. "Kelakarnya, sampai kena MC cuma pasal malas nak tanggal CL, macamlah byk sgt kerja kesiannya, balik umah kena masak berperiuk-periuk, baju berbakul2 nak basuh.." Grrrr.. eee mak aku ni, untuk kali keduanya rasa nak jerit "SHUT UP!!!". Geram betul rasanya, sudahlah..sindir2 cam tu ingat lawaklah, makin sakit ati aku adalah.. U all bayangkanlah my mum tu jenis yg cakap lembut, skema tapi kononnya dia cakap macam tu bunyinyer cam lawaklah..huh.. bosan adalah..

So semalam, duk umah tak buat apa pun, anto adik sekolah, basuh keta dan kemas bilik yg dah sebulan lebih tak berkemas semenjak pindah balik ke umah ni. Huhu..smnjk pindah ari tu, barang sumer main longgok jer dlm bilik, tak der masa nak kemas, so semalam, pulun habislah. penat tuh especially part nak kemas semua buku2 ngan kertas2, berpinar mata nak sort n filter kertas2 semua. Hehe.. to Jaja, aku baru perasan satu perkara, rupanya biro ICT lepas batch ko tu kan, depa publish artikel Nur Malam ko tu lagik sekalik. aku ada sound jugak derang dulu, ada ker Ketua Biro kata tak perasan.. Hehe.. jom saman budak tu, nak? Untung2 menang pasal ni dah kira kes curik hakcipta.

Ari ni, masuk jer ofis, bos kasi tau, aku kena jaga weighbridge esok pasal semua staff weighbridge ada sports day esok.. Hah !!! biar benar depa ni, aku mana penah buat keja tu semua? Nak kena jaga ofis kat gate tu ? Uruskan pasal weighing untuk lorry, tanker n container yg kuar masuk ? Huaaargghh!!! dahler kena jaga sensorang.. tak aci betul.. sajer jer tau nak buli aku depa ni.. geram. So ari ni aku pun tak lekat kat ofis, melekat pulak kat weighbridge ofis belajar dari staff situ. Tapi ok jugaklah kan, kat situ, tak der boss..bebas sikit tuhs.. esok nak bawak majalah, coklat, keopok, air tin dll.. berkelah sensorang dlm ofis tu.. sapa nak join ? jomm!! Hehe.. gtg.. bai

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Penyayang,
Ouchh.. uhuh.. my left eye feels very irritating today. U know why, my mistake lah kan. For a few night, i didn't remove my contact lense from my eyes. Actually i was so lazy to take them off at night especially when i was so tired and i dun care of anything else but sleeeepp.. So this morning, a bad consequences.. My left eye getting red and there's pain in all urat2 at the back of my eye, tears keep running orang menangis tapi sblh mata jer. Oh no.. not only that, the worse is, i can't open my eyes properly. U know that kind of silau when your eyes expose to very bright light. Biler tengok straight to the sun, mata rasa cam susah nak bukak kan ? ha, that kinda. Rasa macam orang yg gilos punya mengantuk, rasa mata nak tertutup-tutup. Biler kita paksa jugak bukak mata, rasa cam berpinar nak pitam. My mum did ask me about my eye this morning, but i just said that it's ok, nothing to worry. Actually she worried coz i will drive 80 km to work, if anything happen becoz of my poor sight ? At first i really confident that the pain will recover soon, but i was wrong, along the way to work, my eyes masih buat hal, rasa cam ngantuk giler2 dan nak tertutup2. Sampaikan drive pun dah menyasar2.. kekiri kekanan. Very dangerous, huh. At that time, rasa macam dah tamoh dah pi kerja, i wanna go to clinic, check my eyes and get MC for today. But saya kuatkan diri, i can do it. Nothinglah.. biasalah tu. Bukan tak pernah jadi pun sblm ni. mmg betul, tapi yg kali ni memang the worst. Dan lebih memburukkan keadaan pagi tadi ujan lebat dan paling menensyenkan, pagi tadi di tengah jalan2 yg sibuk giler, tetiba keta mati enjin..pergh. gabra tu. But i pretend to be cool..hehe.. Orang blkg dah hon2. Dalam hati ni menyumpah seranah.. apa punya keta ni auto pun leh mati enjin, yg org belakang ni relaxlah..hon2.. aku pun ada honlah.!!.ingat depa jer kikikikk. Then, nengok lampu minyak dah menyala..cheh..nak kena singgah pi tuang minyak pulak. Alhamdulillah selamat jugak sampai ofis, pagi ni pulak kena entertain budak sekolah lepas PMR datang buat lawatan, hehe.. nasiblah, keadaan mata yang very irritating ni menyebabkan saya terus ilang mood nak berkomunikasi dgn sesapa pun. Ni pun senyap2 cabut, kang tak pasal2 budak2 tu ingat aku sakit mata plak. And now, im here typing this blog. with my eyes yg memang tak selesa ni. After lunch i really wanna go to klinik, but without MC lah..sayang dah kerja sekerat ari. Aha.. tadi sampai jer ofis, i quickly remove my left contact lense and rendam. So now, i have perfect view from my right eye only. Hopefully petang ni semua ok.. chiowww..

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Assalamualaikum.. Hi ma fren out there, aha.. how’s your life going on lately huh? As for me, a bit bored lah skrg. Hellooo, apa ke jadahnya di mlm yg indah ni, aku blh tcegat dpn PC yg aku beli dari bapaknya si Jaja di mana Jaja tlh dpt komisyen RM100 ni. U know why ? I wanna watch TV tp tak buleh, u know why ? My mum already cabut d power cable from our TV, u know why ? Becoz my lil sis asik ngadap TV tapi tanak belajar wlupun her exam just around the corner. Krn kopi setitik, rosak milo seteko jd Mocha. Satu umah dah tak leh tengok TV dah skrg. Haha.. u know, that kind of thing is pretty normal here in my house. My mum is like a Jeneral in an army troops, very strict & tegas. Sometimes, not only TV, dgn radio2 sekali, my mum simpan dlm stor & kunci. Maka jadilah umah kami spt PSZ UTM yg senyap sunyi ketika bukan musim exam. Hehe.. my mum tu geram bukan pasal saper pun, pasal we all jugaklah kan. Kerusi kengkadang bersepah, sana-sini kitorang heret, & now, a few chair dah kena ikat kat meja, langsung dah tak leh gerak jauh, paling2 dlm jarak 1 meter jer..hehe. Antaranya yg kena perintah berkurung adalah my lil sis punya chair kat meja belajar (kalau tak tu, baru belajar kejap, kerusi dah melorot ke depan TV). Haha, u know one thing, kat living room skrg dah tak der dah sofa, pasal my mum dah simpan, dia geram pasal masing2 suka menyepah kat sofa, makanlah, minumlah, buku, majalah, buat tempat tidurlah, maka umah kami skrg dah jadi cam padang jarak padang tekukurlah kan. Hehe.. tp kira berkesanlah cara tu, living room tu dah kemas giler, pasal tak der sapa dah berminat nak lepak situ. Tunggu raya nantilah agaknya sofa semua kuar balik.

Oh no, I hate this wallpaper !!! Ni sapa yg mamandai2 taruk gambo Siti Nurhaliza kat PC aku ni. Sahih ni mesti hero umah ni yg taruk. This boy haaa.. entah ap yg diminat sgt kat Siti ni aku tak taulah. If u guyz out there yg fanatik siti nurhaliza, dun get angry huh. This is my blog, I can write anything I want & that have nothing to do with you all, hahaaha.. You mind ur own business.

Oh yeah. I really want 2 write a story here. Actually this is just a flash back of a story of mine with my bestest fren. We dun haf a lot of picture together, so I do believe this writing will help me and her to remember our friendship very well. It was so sweet and I am getting older, makin pelupa, baik tulis sekarang, karang makin lama, lupa plak.

In 1998, ma fren Norzie yg join program Techno Photo Astana 98 selalu citer pasal AJK2 dlm program dia tmasuklah Unit Penajaan. Dia kata budak unit penajaan ni lain sikit, pandai bercakap, stylish n ala2 cam aweks bandarss. I was curious jugak that time, which one haa..? then alast, jumpa jugak, kat depan DSK (I remember that very well). Ahaa.. dlm ati saya, “oo..ini ker orangnya”. Orangnya buleh tahan, masa tu dia pakai baju kurung kain kapas corak bunga2, tudung pun bunga2 jugak kot, tp warnanya merah ker, oren ker, I dun remember. Then, saya, norzie ngan awek ni joinlah kursus JKM n jadi JKM setahun. Masa tu saya ngan awek ni kawan gitu2 jer, pasal tak satu biro pun. Satu tahun blalu, saya masih lg nak join JKm utk ke2 kali. Masa nak turun utk pergi test IQ & fizikal, saya tserempak ngan awek ni lagi, mmandangkan masa tu masing2 takder geng, so kitorang bergeng lah turun, lari pun sama2, lambat2 tp lepas jugak masanya..kikikikk. Masa pi kursus kat Teluk Kalong, otomatik kitorang dah jadi cam belangkas, walhal bukan tak der member lama lain masa tu, Kak Ana, Ita Kak Iffah pun ada. Entahlah ek. Pastu dia jadi Ketua Biro IT, & I was the Assistant. I was not appointed as MT coz I will go for my practical training next sem. Kalau tak, tak dernya semakin membelangkas ngan awek sorang ni, tul tak Puan ?

Ahaaa.. awek yg dimaksudkan ni gerenti dah senyum2 biler baca blog ni. Jaga..jaga.. karang terabur gigi tu karang. Btw, Puan , ko ingat lagi ker apa yg aku citer ni, ker ko dah lupa ? Ok sambung, kitorang jadi kawan baik yg betul baik punya, semua benda kitorang buat sama2 lah kan. Except the fact dat kitorang lain course. Haha.. I remember minah ni dulu asalnya mmg nk amik course yg sama ngan saya lps SPM dulu tapi dh silap tektik, dia letak couse tu bukan 1st choice pasal dia rasa dia punya result SPM tak cantik. Last2 dia dpt couse yg 1st choice.. haha.. haru member.. Gi mana2 taman U ker haper ker, semua berdua, naik motor JEV 6428 tu lah yg ntah dah baper kali dah accident. Naik motor, kitorang tak pernah senyap, bising, nyanyilah apalah.. haha.. nyanyi lagu Kru tu selalu. Minah ni jugak selalu masak pancake, masak pancake dlm pembakar roti..hehe, kelako betul, pastu ngan air bunga kekwa dia tu. Ahaa.. bile puasa, ke mana lagi kita berdua kalau tak ke PARAM. Apa menu utama kita ? Jaja mesti beli nasi kerabu, bunga kantan lebih, pas tu kita carik custard jagung yg sedap..pergh berselera tu makan kat blok. Ruang tamu blok dah macam haper dah, semua menda taruk kat luar, pc, comforter, bantal, mak aii, aku rasa tulah satu2nya blok yg buat cam tu kat UTM ni. Kitorang tidur kat luar bilik, kat ruang tamu tu lah, bayangkan. Ingat lagi masa lepas exam, kitorang marathon tengok VCD Hindustan sampai 7 pagi, bukan kitorang dua jer, ngan si Lo Kuan Dai sekali, hancur amoi tu kitorang bantai kasi tengok insdustan.hehe.. Tapi kan yang aku tengoklah minah ni suka tengok vcd citer omputih yang bercorak thriller lah gitu. Oo.. masa kitorang giler tengok kaho na Pyar Hai, mak cik ni siap belajar tiru gaya hrithik roshan menari, penin aku. Minat nsync ngan west life, eh, aku lupalah gambo apa yg ko tampal dlm bilik tu, nsync eh ? Pas tu biler ek, dia mula bela hamster, sepasang, giler punya lama tunggu dia tak beranak2. last2 dia beranak jugak tanpa disedari, bertuah punya hamster. Maka bertambahlah tujuan kitorang biler ke taman U iaitu pi pet shop carik makanan utk menatang comey tu. Hehe.. ingat masa kem pemantapan kat kolej. kitorang penah wat program Sukan Ria Alaf Baru (woit, aku simpan lagi kad matrik program), main chess pakai orang tengahari buta tengah panas terik, ‘Q..Kenzo.. Q..Kenzo..’ hehe.. ingat lagi tak, pas tu paginya kita masuk pertandingan tangkap ayam yg pakai nama leadeck. Pas tu pertandingan kopek ngan kukur kelapa, power seh minah ni, dia parut kelapa pakai mesin, baper biji entah…

Aduss banyak ni, aku kalau buleh nak tulih semula, takut aku lupa karang. Aaa, masa program raya kan, kita wat publisiti, kiter tampal poster kecik kat setiap mangkuk polistrin kat Café, hehe.. tak pernah dibuat oranglah kan. Masa tu buat sambutan raya kat DSI, banner nya jenuh nak buat kan? Ari tu, kita pakai baju kurung padan ngan kain satin warna krim buat selendang, ko lah tu punya idea. Aa. Lagi satu, kita pergi nightwalk, 1st masa yg kitorang tutup mata, pas tu minah ni sbg ketua, buat bunyi tuk pandu anak buah, yg kedua plak nightwalk yg tak jadik, pasal gelap sangat, mengonglah ledeck, dahlah malam gelap, dia suh masuk utan tanpa satu lampu pun, tnpa lilin, tanpa torchlight, yg kita guna cuma lampu hp jer.. itu pun biler tau, balik bilik sibuk charge hp masing yg mmg sama brand tu. Hehe, jaja tiru aku, pas guna yg alcatel tu, dia beli nokia sebijik cam aku punya, dia punya seksi woo housing, jernih. Transparent. Tapi hp tulah yg paling byk kenangan. HP yg beli kat skudai parade.

Yg tak bestnya masa ko pergi city adventure kat KL aku tak ikut kan? rugi sungguh. Gambo ko bagi makan rusa tu ada lagi ker mak cik ? cun woo gambo tu. Tengoklah sapa yg amik (kembang cik ida kita). Aku ingat masa gi KL tulah ko tepon aku kat UTM dari KL masa dlm komuter, nangis2 ngadu kat aku pasal mak bapak boy serang mak ko. Masa tu mak ko ngandung kan izz.
Oho.. aku ingat satu ari mak cik ni hampir nak carik gaduh ngan sorang budak Lambaian. Nak masukkan berita dlm Kempassia, tp lembap, nak tunggu pengerusi lah apalah.. padahal kita nak cepat kan Ja ? Tapi pas tu semua nya ok.

Langit tak selalu cerah, ada konflik sikit masa akhir sem sblm practical, sib baik ada kem kat Kurau, jumpa balik kat UTM utk preparation. Ingat lagi masa tu, ada birthday dia ni, aku takut nak tepon nak wish, takut dia masih marah. Masa balik UTM, sedih sgt pasal dia selalu tak der kat bilik, selalu kuar gi CC, tak der masa aku nak borak ngan dia. Nangis wo aku, sedih sgt pasal friendship yg punya baik sblm ni, tetiba jd dingin. Aku kasi hadiah buku ‘Rahmat Di Sebalik Dugaan’ hehe.. aku pun tak tau naper aku beli buku tu. Tp yerlah Tuhan masih sygkan friendship kitorang, satu hari, aku balik kg, masa balik UTM, dpt tau Jaja accident, Kelam kabut aku masa tu, meleleh air mata aku cam air terjun tengok Jaja, bahunya ada retak sikit, luka2 lagi. Ishkk.. si fida siap marah aku pasal aku lebat sangat, tp aku mmg tak tahan nak nangis. Pas tu aku check hp, ada voice msg, aku bukak, Masya_allah, apa yg aku dengar, aku dengar suara Jaja, yer, situasi masa Jaja baru2 accident, masa kat tepi jalan lagi. Makin laju air mata aku masa tu. Aku bagi Jaja dengar. Yg pelik tu, dlm memori hp jaja takder plak last dialed nya nomor aku, kan ? Mlm tu aku ada meeting penting, aku tanak pergi, aku nak jaga jaja, tp aku kena jugak turun, sblm turun aku masih nangis dan cium dahi Jaja, dan jaja pun nangis sama.. aduss haru..sedihnyaaa. Tp malam tu aku jaga Jaja smpi mak dia sampai, aku kena duk atas comforter yg letak atas kusi, pasal tamoh comforter tu kena badan Jaja, nanti dia sakit. Aku pasangkan MP3 Raihan yg dia suka “Sesungguhnya” dan aku bacakan sikit buku yg aku kasi hadiah kat dia “Rahmat Di Sebalik Dugaan”. Lagu apa lagi ek dia suka..oo..Nur Malam pun dia suka..siap ada CD tu..

After that, I went for my practical training, Jaja pun dah duduk luar. Rasa sedih jugak pasal tak dpt temankan dia through the hard life that time. Apa buleh buat, tapi last2 kitorang jumpa jugak balik. Kesian sgt kat dia masa tu, rambut pun dah nipis (alamak tak sensor ker part ni). Aku join jugaklah de-bella dia tapi pas tu aku senyap jer..hehe.. sorry Jaja, aku bukan business minded cam hang. Hehe.. jaja, hang dah tengok gambo grad aku kan ? spek yg aku pakai tu kan, itulah spek yg ko pilihkan dulu, masa ko temankan aku pi ganti spek, pas tu ko temankn aku pi saloon utk trim rambut yg konon asalnya aku suh kawan aku layer kan tp tak jadi, last2 pi saloon jugak. Oh yeah.. aku ingat lagi ko ajar ikat rambut camna dari rambut panjang, ikat reben masuk sana-sini, rambut nampak jadi pendek..hehe..

That’s very long time ago. Now I am working in PG and she is in Bangi. But still we keep in touch with each other. Before she get married, I met her once with her fiancĂ© Encik Azam at Warta, then her wedding day at BTHO, sekejap ajer tapi. And the last one, a few month ago kat The Mines. Masa tu saya dapatlah jumpa Jazzy (her daughter) for the first time. Very cute, chubby. I remember masa dia pregnant dah nak dekat bersalin, saya akn msg ari2 kat dia tanya keadaan dia..hehe.. smpi dia bosan. Lepas baru2 bersalin pun smpt lagi tu kitorang main SMS hehe. U know what, walaupun jauh, tapi kiorang tau apa yg jadi pada diri masing2 sehari2. Hehe.. macammana tu, kitorang chatting ari2. Hehe.. semua menda yg berlaku kat sekeliling nak diceritakan hahaha.. mcm depan mata plak rasanya. Thanks to Yahoo Mgr. I’ll tell her everything about my life and she will tell hers too. Problem ker haper ker, tak der sorok punya wlupun masing2 tak dpt menolong, dapat berceriter pun dah kira ok what. Yg bestnya kitorang selalu sependapat, kalau dapat mengutuk tu, mmg seronok hehe.. biler ada yg saya tak puas hati ker, Jaja pun sama sokong tak puas hati, biler dia fed-up ngan apa2 ker, saya pun akan sokong dia..hehe.. wlupun kengkadang masing2 ada salah, tp tetap jugak nak support..kikikikk. Spt yg Jaja pernah tulis dalam testi utk saya dlm frenster, kitorang ni mcm dah ditakdirkan berkawan. Outside, mmg nampak lain, tapi our thoughts, our heart to gether gether gituhs. Hehe..pernah dulu kitorang brcerita.agaknya kita ni masa kelahiran sblm ni, adik beradik kot.. tak pun anak dgn mak hehe.. itu kalau ikut kepercayaan cina ngan India lah kan. Dah tu mana tak cakap cam tu, Jaja ni macam buleh baca apa yg saya pkkan, dia tau baca kelakuan saya. Bukan dia jer. Tapi saya pun leh baca dia tau, biler chatting tu saya leh rasakan kalau dia ni tgh ada problem ker, tgh bengang ker kan. Hehe.. apa rahsianya tu, kitorang berdua jer yg tau. Ishk..tak puas hati betul kat mak cik ni, saya ada rahsiakan pasal saya minat sorang brother ni kat UTM dulu, cheh..ku pikirkan rahsia tu masih rahsia rupanya si Jaja ni dah tau dari dulu, dia buleh baca fikiran aku.. huit..malu giler sehh.. macammana ko buleh tau ni..tak puas hati betul lah. Tapi kesimpulan sekarang saya happy pasal dia pun hepi ngan apa yg dia buat sekarang, ada hubby yg sayangkan dia dan ada anak yg comel penghibur hati. Semoga dia terus bahagia dunia dan akhirat Amin.

I scrolled up and realize that I’ve wrote nearly 4 pages..panjang tuhs.. Ishk..sbnrnya aku bukannya ingat semua pun, tapi kalau Jaja ada ingat apa2 yg aku tak ingat, sila tambah..ok. hehe..i need to quit now, kalau tak..akan jadi 5 pages..and who want to read such a long karangan…tatas..

Monday, October 13, 2003

Hihi... Morning everybody.. Assalamualaikum..
O'ow.. my blog ni dah kena abandon for quite sometimes. syiaann. I got a lot of things to write, n even i already wrote quite a long blog in my PCs at home, but alwiz forgot 2 bring it to ma ofis, so by the time i publish dat blog, macam dh obsolete gitu.. dh tak der kick..

Aha.. today, kiranya dah banyak dugaan & ujian yg berjaya dilepasi. I made it !! Va va va.. not bad huh. First, my exam, finish already.. I didn't prepare very well actually, but i manage to answer all queations very well. Malah, i walk out from d exam hall 45 minutes earlier than scheduled. It's not dat i was over confident, but i just dun want 2 pressurize myself by sitting there, checking all d answers & trying very hard 2 think if i left any facts. Besides i want 2 help my eyes not 2 look at other people who look very serious answering question & keep raising hand 2 ask for more paper kononnya byk sangatlah jawapan nak ditulis. Haha.. i want you to know something dat made me a bit proud dat night, my lecturer (he's very good, sort of family-man), while i was busy writing, he came to my place & ask "Amacam ? Boleh jawab?" I was quite shocked dat time & reply "InsyaAllah". Huhu.. in a class with nearly 100 students, i was so lucky to get his attention. Hehe.. good sign, hopefully i'll get an A in this subject.

2nd, our Annual Dinner dah pun berlangsung sabtu lepas. everthing went smoothly. U know, the day before d dinner, kecoh satu ofis pasal who will be my jurumekap for d dinner coz i will be the MCs. last2 asri sabtu sampai kul 7.00 mlm orang yg dirancang tak dtg2, sampaikan i haf to drag one of d karaoke contestant to help me out with my face. Nasiblah, dr tak mekap langsung. Tapi malam tu, kiranya ok.. ahaa the good point is i dun haf to sing dat night as requested before. Why, coz i was so busy & dun haf time 2 practice. My partners were very understanding dat night, thanks to them, encik Is & encik Mat. You guyz are cool .. man. Actually this is my first time being MCs for such a big event. Dulu masa kat U adalah jugak tp utk SME ajer (Small And Medium Event..not Enterprise..hehe). Sblm ni, ramai staff sini yg tak percaya saya buleh jadi MC, pasal selama ni saya jenis yg tak banyak cakap & pemalu gitu..ahaks. Tp mlm tu saya dah berjaya tunjukkan yg saya buleh jd MC yg baik.. Malam tu, saya ada jugak buat silap, tapi nasiblah, baru2lah katakan. Hehe, dis morning, back to ma ofis, ramai org puji. They told me that i was surprisinly good dat night with spontaneous speech. Haha.. kembang sehh. Jadi MC without a proper a practice, without rehearsal & without a complete skrip, amazing what. And i am d 1st lady being MC for company's Dinner after so many years (1976-establish). Hemm.. asyik tengok yg baik, let's see the pathetic parts. Mlm tu saya dpt penat yg amat sgt, dahlah lucky draw yg semurah-murahnya pun tak dapat..sedih siot. Gilos punya sedih. Dah tu, TAK DAPAT MAKAN !!! U know lah kan, jadi MC mana ada masa nk duduk mkn. Sedihnya... Dahler ari tu poser, buka ngan air sejuk jer.. kesiannya budak ni. Dat night, saya tido umah kawan, esoknya mmglah sambung tidur sampai kul 10, lenguh satu badan, ujan pulak tu semalam. Tp biler balik umah, mak bising psl balik lmbt, saya buat tak dengar & sambung tidur lagik..ikikikikk.jahat tul rasanya.

Last night, my family & I went to my aunt's house in Kluang. My grandma also stay there. Seronok sgt coz this aunt is my faverit aunt, she helped me a lot in d past & i used to stay with her family during my practical training in JB a few years a go befor she moved to Kluang. Aha.. this Usu very sporting wa cakap lu, giler2 & mmg kenalah dgn kepala saya yg mengong kadang2 ni. Dan jgn terperanjat if i tell you that my Usu ni adalah seorg Ustazah di Sek Agama, kat sekolah dia mmg plg garang tp kat umah, paling lawaks. My pak usu pun sama, baik & lawaks jugak. U know what he works in JB but stay in Kluang, 110 KM punya jarak, jauh tu ulang alik. and dat's why saya pun tak kisah jugak ulang alik dr kota ke PG. Selain tu, anak-anak dia semua kamcing ngan saya, paling besar darjah 2 dan paling kecik tak sampai setahun. Hehe.. semalam si kecik kena sergah ngan saya. Dia dah lama tak nengok muka aku, terperanjat agaknya, terkebil2 mata agaknya tengah recall sapa ni gaknya, rasa pernah ku jumpa, tapi di mana ya ? Pas tu dia cam nak nangis..saya sergah lagi "Ha, nangis..nangis.. kak long plaster mulut tu karang baru tau." hehe.. pas tu dia terus meraung..hahaha..Padan muka mak dia kena pujuk. I tell you haa..this family very sporting n i love them very much, smpikan saya punya hadiah Astro masa beli keta dulu, saya kasi kat depa..

Oh yeah.. i'd like to tell sumthing tou all, u remember or not that i used to mention befor how dangerous i am in driving car? And that was proved a few days ago. Saya kena TAHAN POLIS !! Hehe.. tak der apa sebnrnya, i was very sleepy dat day.. dah ler kena follow satu bas yg lembab nk mampus, so when the chance came to overtake, apa lagi, speedinglah member smpi tak perasan ada road block kat sblh bukit sana.. hehe.. terperanjat gilos mak cik, smpi tpaksa emergency brake betul2 dpn polis..ikikikk.. Apo lagi, kena sembur ngan polis tu, dia nak saman dah aku, tapi biasaklah polis laki biler face ngan pompuan, aku plak muka tak laku satu sen pun, lepas jugak mak cik. One of ma fren asked me "Ko kena tahan polis pasal langgar lari kucing yg semalam tu ker ?" Hehe.. ada ker patut, tapi mmg pun saya ada langgar kucing sampai kiok semalamnya. sian sungguh kucing tu, tp saya tak sengaja what. Dia meluru bawa keta, tayar belakang tlanggar, tergezut mak cik masa tu.. Kesiannyeerr.. tak sanggup nak toleh tengok tp esok paginya biler lalu, tertengok jugaklah mayat kucing tu kat tepi jln. Haha..baru2 punya lah rasa bersalah sampai nangis2 kesian, tp ari ni dah tak rasa pa dah, rasa kelako n bangga kerna dah jadi pembunuh.. i'm cool..

OK.. long enough already..chiowww..

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Assalamualaikum kepada semua sahabat-sahabat ku yang dikasihi Fillah.
Fenin..fenin (aha.. once again, Ayu dah mula nak membebel tak puas hatilah ni). Dah..dah.. jgn nak bosan plak, baca jer apa yg aku taip ni. Blog ni mmg tmpt aku nak luahkan segala isi otak aku tgh kelamkelibut ni, so u people out there, jgn banyak songeh, ok.

Aku taip blog ni sementara tunggu kul 11, kul 11 nanti ada meeting GMP, malas dah nak wat kerja lain, karang buat separuh jalan, kena gi meeting plak. petang karang kul 3 plak ada meeting ERM. Bosannya idup asyik meeting jer, penat penat penat. Time2 tgh sibuk nilah masing2 pun menyibuk nak buat meeting itu ini. Sabtu ni dah Dinner, for sure 2-3 ari ni byk kerja, skrip program untuk MC pun aku lum buat lagi, rehearsal lagi, baju ?? Huarrghh.. lum belik lagik. Nak pakai baju pesen apa ni dinner nanti. Duit dah lah tader, nak beli baju, tudung, facial, mekap, aduss.. mana cukup duit, company kasi token RM50 jer utk MC, kemut betullah. Tak puas hati tak puas hati. Rasanya dinner nnti tak facial kot, mekap pun sendiri2 tenyeh jer lah, tp karang huduh, malu plak, gambo nnti tak cantik. Hemm.. camna ni !!!!

Aaaa.. bosannya.. Tolong !!! Help !!! Khamis mlm Jumaat ni 9/10 aku ada Final Exam subjek Management Of Technology, tapi aku baru baca satu bab jer. Huaarrghh.. byk lagi lum baca. 8 bab semuanya masuk exam. Fenin fenin, pecah paler aku. Selalu sgt ada dugaan macam ni tau. Mana pergi Stress Management aku yg diagungkan sangat tu ? Dah melingkup agaknya. Rasa cam nak cuti jer ari khamis nanti, nak pulun baca buku, tapi.. tapi cuti dah tinggal sikit, nak simpan untuk raya. ishk ishk ishk. Mak !! Tolong Along Mak. Abah !! Tolong Along Bah. Abang !! Tolong Along Bang. Adik !! Tolong Along Dik.. Ha ko.. sumer orang aku panggil.

Oh ha.. experimen aku satu dah berjaya..hehe.. aku berjaya letak ikon kat permulaan setiap mesej dlm blog ni. Sourcenya ? Aku cilok dari Rina punya portfolio website, aku cuba gambo lain tak jadi dan beso sgt, yg ni kecik sikit. Rina !! Jgn saman aku, aku pinjam kejap jer ikon ko, karang aku jumpa gambo lagi cun, aku tuka lah..ok.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Hais..hais..hais.. apas khabars kawans-kawans kus sekalians. Andas sihats? Andas tengoks senarios semalams. Haahahas..kelakars biles tengoks sarimahs, lawaks, lebihs lawaks daris senarios sendiris. Pompuans tus memangs sempois ns pandais berlakons, kans?

Sekarangs.. chop!!! i don want to talk like dat anymore, buleh terseliuh lidah kalau nak bercakap cam tu. You know, eventhough Hari Raya belum tiba and Ramadhan still far ahead, i already have the raya mood. Why ? Becoz TV S'pore already tayang iklan utk hari raya inclusive the raya songs (the song by Rahimah Rahim " Selamat Berhari Raya..Ucapan ku untuk semua..). Ingat lagu tu..hah..dat one lah. "Berhari rayalah bersama Second Chance dan nikmati penjimatan hebat". Besides, channel tu jugak dah mula advertise sapa2 nak buat ucapan ari raya utk tayangan syawal nanti. Look, betapalah adevans nya derang sumer, bulan shaaban pun baru baper ari tp depa dah sibuk2, tak menyempat2.. weii.. hang pi iklan awal2 pun rayanya takderlah makin cepat pun, sama jugak.

U all dah tengok Koi Mil Gaya (i Find someone..agak gitu maksudnya)?? What? Nope, not the song during singing contest in Kuch-Kuch Hota Hai. This is the new movie cast by Hrithik Roshan (that galah macho man, with abnormal finger..ahaks) n Preiti Zinta (the cute one, omputih look with dimple). But, they r not my faveret in the movie, the character dat i like most is Jadu (Magic), the blue alien who is very cute n sometimes look like Stitch (Lilo's Friend). I find someone! who find who? At 1st, i thought the movie is about friendship between Rohit (hrithik) n Nisha (preiti). But i was wrong, the main focus is at the very sweet friendship between Rohit n Jadu.
Im not going to write all plot of the movie, synopsis is enoughlah kan. Rohit's father is a scientist, he invent a machine (computer) that can submit message (sound) to outer space. He wanted to know if there're any life out there. He succed!! he received a response from a UFO, but nobody would believe him. The signal from UFO coz a tragedy where Rohit's father died in an accident (pasal terlalu excited nmpk UFO), but his mother ok. (rekha, very pretty wlupun dah tua). At dat time, rekha tgh pregnantkan Rohit, mlgnya ada kesan dari UFO di mana Rohit suffer from mental ilnesses. Dia bukan terencat cuma lambat. Dlm umur maybe 25 thn, dia punya otak masih mcm budak darjah3 lah gitu (aku tafsir sndiri kikikk..). Masih blajar dlm kela yg sama btahun2, tp dia baik sgt. The pathetic part is Rohit selalu kena buli n kena kutuk ngan cikgu. Nak masuk kelas komputer pun kena halau. Dipendekkan lepas tu dia bkawan ngan Nisha (newcomer in the town). Kawan2 Rohit itulah, Nisha,n 6 org budak2 kecik yg gi mana2 selalu naik apa menda tu yg macam skate board tp ada handle kat depan tu.. (ishk, apa ker nama dia.. aku lupa) ..

Then, one day, rohit n nisha play2 lah with rohit punya bapak punya komputer, n tanpa disedari depa dah anto isyarat ke UFO dan UFO pun dtg menyebabkan satu bandar blackout. Chopp.. !!! it's like i'm telling u all the whole story, dah tak bestlah.. oklah dipendekkan, ada alien yg ketinggalan UFO masa derang mendarat ke bumi, nisha ngan rohit jumpa dan bawak balik. Oleh kerana alien tu cute n banyak kuasa yg best, depa panggillah Jadu (magic). Cuma rohit, rekha, nisha n budak 6 org tu jer yg tau, pihak berkuasa tak leh tau, nanti derang tangkap Jadu dan eksploitasikan. Rohit n Jadu jadi kawan baik yg baik sangat, like me and Jaja..hehe. Rohit selalu bercerita ngan Jadu dan derang gelak sama2 (Masya-Allah, cute sangat masa part tu). Baik punya pasal, Jadu kasi power kat rohit, mamat tu dah makin elok, dah tak terencat lagi, dah tak rabun dan macam2 lagilah yg best, dah pandai main basket ball, pandai menari. Haha.. if you watch this movie, part main basket ball sangatlah tak logik.. siap buleh terbang2 macam citer Jepun Maero Attack dulu tu..hehe.. Tapi oklah untuk gelak2. So, masa berlalu dan rahsia Jadu dah terbongkar, apa lagi yg berlaku lepas tu..hehe.. saya malas nak citer lagi, tengok sendirilah, tapi u all akan terpana (cheh..bahasa ku yg power) dgn nilai persahabatan Jadu ngan Rohit especially the part when Rohit struggling very hard to save Jadu from a large troops of army n scientist. Cam tak logiklah nak tangkap Jadu yg kecik comel tu siap pakai askar beratus orang yg macam komando..hehe. PAs tu siap pakai kren.. aduss.. mmg hancus part tu.

Overall, that movie is good, very entertaining, banyak menda kita leh belajar. Lagipun from my experience this is the 1st Hindi Movie yg bawak konsep alien2 cam ni. Besides, lokasi shooting, permandangan memang superb.. cantiikkk sangat. Dlm byk2 citer industan, sy rasa nilah yg lokasi plg cantik. Lagu2 ?? Hmm.. superb..mmg best, choreography pun cun. tak rugilah kiranya saya burn 15 inggit beli VCD citer tu.

Well, i want to stress again, movie ni mmg best, remind me to my friends. To Jaja, belilah VCD ni, ko mesti suka, lagu dia best giler. Ceritenya taklah romantik tapi cute (oh yeah..i like it). To Rina, belilah VCD ni utk mak ko, ari tu ko dah belek2, baik ko beli skrg. Well, tomorrow, if i've sufficient time lah kan, i'll write about my friend. I just want u all to know what sort of friends i've, how wonderful they are and how i treasure the friendship very very much. Dats all..babai..