Saturday, June 25, 2005

Berakhir satu perjuangan?

Assalamualaikum.. Jaja asked for the updated entry. Hemm.. here it is. I was very busy for this few weeks. So, perjuangan apa yg aku maksudkan ni ek? Ekceli, aku sendiri kabur tentang perjuangan apa yg dah abis, but still aku nak taruk jugak tajuknya berakhirnya satu perjuangan. Adakah berakhirnya perjuangan aku untuk mendapatkan jawatan PTD setelah tamat interview semalam? Adakah jika gagal kali ini, perjuangan aku telah berakhir? Atau mungkin jugak berakhirnya perjuangan aku di tempat kerja skrg, in case klu aku dpt PTD tu? Arghhh.. mana2 satu pun tak kisah.
My interview went ok. But i just cant anticipate what will happen next. Nak predict lebih2 kang buat pening paler jer. Nak confident lebih2 kang, klu fail, cam ari tu, frust menonggeng beb. So, buat bodoh jer lah kot. Tapi yg pasti panel tu cam dah kasi harapan kat aku bicoz at the end of the interview session, dia kata "Very Impressive" Mak aiii, terawang2 kejap aku seh.. hehe. Tp yg pasti, 1st instinct aku selama ni mmg tepat psl aku mmg tak patut prepare lebih2 untuk interview tu.
Sebelum interview, aku dpt maklumat dari Oja ngan Hisham, tentang apa yg ditanya masa turn derang. So, apa lagi, aku pun pulun lah. Kata oja, panel tanya nama menteri, tanya psl k-economy, kes buli dll. Hisham kata, master kan tentang kenapa nk jd ptd ngan kementerian yg dipilih. Budak yg satu sesi interview ngan aku tp turn awal2 plak kata depa tanya psl persidangan kat Doha, psl pertukaran wang asing. So, bleh bayangkan lah apa preparation yg aku buat. Sumer isu aku baca, sumer menteri aku hafal, siap ada skema jawapan lagi. Bhempas pulas aku mmbaca pasal biotech psl aku nk pilih kementerian Sains, teknologi dan inovasi. Tapi last2 adoiii... Depa tak tanya pun tu semua, tak ker cam berpinar kejap bijik mata aku. Kesimpulannya, interview ptd ni, mmg ikut luck, kita takkan dapat soklan yg hampir sama. Sib baik buku Malaysia Kita yg tebal nk mampus tu aku tak khatamkan, klu tak mmg haru psl tak masuk satu haram pun.
Patutnya aku giliran 1st, tp aku smpi lmbt, so dptlah giliran ke 3. Rasanya ada tolak markah tak kat situ ek? Tp aku tawakkal jer, psl aku lmbt pagi tu pasal abah yg lmbt. Mcm2 keja plak abah nak buat pagi tu, mak plak dh mmbebel takut jln jam. Biler smpi JB tengok jalan mmg jam, abah dah mula risau. Aku dah agak dah, tp sajer tanak buat abah risau, so aku buat bodoh jer lah. Dlm hati aku redha jer lah, mls lah nk bising2, kang tak berkat plak aku pi interview tu. Klu ada rezki adalah tu. Dh smpi Bt Timbalan, aku bleh sesat plak tak jumpa office SPA pdhal aku dah pernah pergi sblm ni, satu hal lagi. Tp sib baik muka tak malu tanya orang, barulah smpi. Rupanya ada lagi 4-5 orang yg lagi lmbt dari aku, kira ok lah beb.
Masa menunggu tu aku gabra jugak, tp buat2 relax padahal orang lain sibuk mmbaca. Tension aku tengok orang2 ni sumer, tp rasanya klu aku mmbaca jugak, gerenti aku makin gabra, sedangkan time cam ni aku patut cari ketenangan jer. So, buat bodoh jerlah. Urusetia tu plak peramah kemain, dia ingat sungguh nama aku. Yg pasti semalam ada 12 orang, dan sorang pun tak der yg satu pac ngan aku. Ada sorang tu, nama dia ayu jugak, dia dtg utk interview kali kedua. Oooo rupanya tak yah pergi pac ngan ujian sekali lagi klu mohon balik. Alrightlah tu.
Maka bermulalah giliran aku. Smpt baca surah insyirah sblm masuk. Petua dari Mak Usu aku, kiranya kita nak berhadapan dgn orang. Dia ni cikgu agama, so dia amalkan setiap kali nk masuk kelas. Panel aku 3 orang, 2 lelaki 1 perempuan. Sorang lelaki ni, aku tak tau dia ni melayu ke india, so aku tpaksa bhati2 masa bcakap, biar tak termasuk sentimen perkauman. Aku tak sedar masa berlalu. Tup2 dia kata terima kasih. Aku rasa cam tak puas hati plak, apsal kejap sgt? Mungkin perasaan aku jer kot, padahal mmg dah lama. Yer lah, derang langsung tak tanya psl isu semasa, langsung tak tanya psl menteri2, langsung tak tanya kementerian yg aku nak. Alahai.. derang tak suka kat aku ker?
Yg pasti, sepanjang interview tu, derang banyak tanya berkisar tentang diri aku sendiri, kenapa aku nk keje kerajaan, kenapa aku nk tinggalkan company skrg, kenapa aku amik master course management of technology, camna aku nk aplikasikan apa yg aku blajar ke dalam tugas aku nnt, apa sumbangan leh buat utk kerajaan klu jd ptd. Aku bleh kata, yg turn aku tu mmg cam tak formal sgt. Kenapa leh jadi tak formal? Pasal, aku mmg betul2 open jer bcakap ikut sedap otak aku. Derang mmg banyak sgt nak nguji kesabaran aku, nak down kan smgt aku, tp semuanya aku bidas balik. Smpi kan satu tahap tu, derang fire aku, aku baru jer nk bukak mulut kata "but.." panel perempuan tu dah smash aku balik, " apa but but.." terkujat aku skejap. So lepas tu, biler derang asyik bcakap, klu aku nk cakap apa2, aku akan mencelah dan kata "tuan, boleh saya nak tambah?".. hehe.. agaknya panel tu mesti fikir, berani nyer budak ni. Yerlah, mana aci, asyik derang jer fire aku.
Dia ada tanya ttg potensi JB sbg hub MSC. Biler aku jawab dgn bermula "saya rasa.." derang bidas balik konon aku tak confident, mana bleh rasa2, mesti tepat. Geram aku, aku balas lah kata yg itu cuma anggapan dan gambaran awal pasal aku tak der fakta lengkap, kenalah conduct further study dulu. Depa kenakan aku balik konon aku lahir, mmbesar, belajar dan kerja kat Johor tp itu pun tk tau. A'enna mcm lah dia tau sgt psl KL tu (klu dia org KL hehe). Derang cam tak puashati biler aku kata, JB ni penduduknya lebih terdedah kpd teknologi baru psl dekat dgn Singapore, cheh.. derang cam tak leh terima hehe.. padan muka. Yg geram sikit tu, bila asyik2 nk persoalkan konon aku dh ada kerja yg stabil, ada exposure yg bagus di tmpt kerja, ada kelulusan yg baik sumer, kenapa nk keje kerajaan. Eeee.. apa ni? Suka aku lah nak keja mana pun, kerajaan sbnrnya nk cari org yg bodoh ker? (aku tak cakap pun cm tu depan2 hehe). Aku cuma kata "Is it a problem?" cheh, cabul mulut aku. Derang nk tau jugak apa yg tak kena dgn company skrg tp aku kata aku tak mau cerita buruk psl company, psl situlah tmpt aku cari rezeki halal dlm 3thun ni. Aku pk, orang swasta berebut2 nk dptkan pekerja yg baik, orang kerajaan plak bleh nk persoalkan lagi. Derang persoalkan jugak kegagalan aku dlm 2 interview kerajaan sblm ni, kononnya mesti aku ni tak bagus, tu pasal 2 kali kena tolak. Eeee.. derang ni mmg nk jatuhkan smgt aku betul. Derang tak tau yg derang tu yg kurang bijak psl overlook pada kebolehan aku (nak sedapkan hati sdiri).
So, aku pun tak tau apa peluang aku utk dpt. Klu lah derang ni cam Trump yg nakkan orang yg tough, Insya Allah lah kot. Tp klu derang mmg nak orang yg obedient jer, rasanya awal2 aku dah fail kat situ. Yang pasti, klu tak dpt yg ni, aku akan apply lagi, biar smpi orang SPA tu bosan tgk muka aku. Nak tunggu keputusan 29 July punyalah lama rasanya. Tp aku tak tau smpi bila aku nk btahan kat company skrg, psl semakin lama, aku rasa semakin teruk keadaan. Macam2 fitnah ttg aku orang buat, menganiaya sungguh. Itu akan aku ceritakan dlm entry akan dtg yg entah biler

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Interview.. interview.. interview.. counting days and night

Risaunyaaa... Seraaamm... Aaaahhh.. i really-really have no idea how to overcome this bad feeling. I am worrying about my coming PTD interview on 24th June at SPA Bukit Timbalan. Very-very stressful, rasa cam nak pengsan dah ni. Helo, this is not my first time interview, right? Yes.. and in fact, this is the 3rd time interview specifically with Government body. My first interview was with JPA for IS Officer post and i have to admit i was terrible that time. The second one was with MPJBT also for IS Officer post, more comfortable compare to the JPA interview and i was very confident. But it made me very upset as i had been shortlisted until the final 2 but just to find out that they didn’t choose me. Ya Allah, i cried right after receiving the bad news.
So, this coming interview, i think the situation, the atmosphere will be totally different, but I am not sure!! I did a lot of info searching to prepare for the big day. My internet surfing reach nowhere but to the worse news, you know what? I found a few blogs which the owner used to attend the PTD interview before. Instead of giving a few tips or positive advice, all blogs are telling the bad stuff!! such as ‘ the interviewer made me feel like an idiot’, ‘Masuk blik temuduga, kena gelak dgn panel psl grammar berterabur’, ‘teruk kena fire dengan panel’, ‘nampak orang keluar dari bilik temuduga dengan mata berair’, ‘rasa nak menangis bila kena ‘belasah’ dengan panel’,’asyik terpk, hai, cepatlah dapat keluar dari bilik neraka ni’. So, what do you expect? Are you expecting me to relax and ignore all of them, pretending that i know nothing and have no idea at all about the risk during interview? Somebody help me! (this words sound very familiar, Tru Calling? Hehe)
Huwaaa!!! I do not know what to do. I asked many people who are in public service for any tips or books, suami kak jemah, isteri haji bada, usu etc. I logged in to PTD website, to JPA website. I went back to Kota digging out all my study materials, my notes especially which are closely related to management and Government matters. Ahaa.. i remember how my mum asked me to collect my Sekolah Agama Darjah Khas certificate, who knows, it will give an added advantage for me. I will, but if i cant, i hope my Darjah 6 Sekolah Agama ceritificate will help.
As per today, i had no single hour of not thinking about the interview. Since few days, I tried to call Attia, my junior in my master course who is now working as a PTD with Kementerian Perumahan but she is very busy i guess. Is this a bad sign? I hope not. But i remember that she used to tell me that one of the panel is a foreign guy. Aduuuh, i know that probably half of the interview will be conducted in English and what a pity, my english is still so-so, nothing to be proud of. Sedihnyaa. I trust my ability to deal with job interview. I know i will have no problem to express my thoughts or ‘goreng’ anything but to ‘goreng’ in english is hard. A friend used to told me that to excel in english speaking, u haf to think in english then speak in english. Do not ever ‘think in bahasa but try to elaborate in english’. When your mind and your words do not synchronize well, you are going nowhere and u might lost.
(Currently listening to Tiada Maaf Bagimu by Mely from the Intuisi album i bought last week). Risaunyaaaa !!! How to develop the confidence in myself ?? 9 days to go, but time flies very fast. One thing that i know for sure is, i will be accompanied by abah during the interview. I hope this will help to comfort me and who knows with abah by my side, i’ll gain more confidence. But how if i am failed ? Kecewanyaaaa.. I do not know whether i am strong enuf to face the panels, whether i have the gut to stay cool and relax like it is just a normal conversation. One thing that i hope very much is I will be able to give my best, to let the panels know what kind of person i am.
My journey from the first stage had been going smoothly but suddenly at this 3rd stage, everything seems not going smoothly as expected and the worse is i do not know which part! I have nobody around to help me with the preparation. Most of my close friends during PAC are staying far in KL and the nearest guy that i have the contact number is Mr 47 only but he is in Singapore! No difference as the communication cost is still high. Ahhh.. bencinya. I think he is still blurr this time and i hope he will not hesitate to give me any tips especially after his interview. I really hope that he is very kind to do that becoz his interview is one day earlier than mine, an advantage for me, is it? Tolong lah saya, encik.. L
Or perhaps i need to become ‘selamba jer’, like the way i used to be during my writing test and PAC. I am not seriously prepared those time and no friend around to help me, just being myself so maybe i need to take the same strategy to succeed? Make sense.. but very dangerous and risky, beware! So without further delay, i must start with intensive preparation, eventhough i am extremely busy with my work for this 2 weeks. This week i am busy with the preparation for Sambutan Maulidur Rasul this weekn. Next week, i haf to struggle like crazy with the documentation of ERM which must be submitted to KL on the 23rd. Macammana ni? But i will make sure that i read newspaper everyday, and to be exact, every page, every article and read betwwen lines! Then, stay concentrate on TV screen during Buletin Utama. What else? I plan to go to Perpustakaan Awam Pasir Gudang on this Sunday reading any material which might help me with the interview. Anybody wanna join me? Mr 47? Takmoh join ker, smbl2 pi tengok futsal digi ERA kat sini?So, are they enough for my preparation? Plus solat hajat, doa and some spiritual efforts. Semoga dikurniakan ketenangan, kekuatan dan keterangan hati menghadapinya. Will i burst into tears during the interview? Is it really difficult? I dun think so, the panels just want to get to know with us personally. How we analyze situation, how we express our ideas and how do we expose ourselve, our charisma and credibility. I had been trained as a tough person since a long time, why must give up? Those interviewers are just testing, to identify if i am strong enough to defend myself from their attacks. I do not know if i really care about the pressure coz my current job needs me to face with different kind of pressure from different kind of people EVERYDAY. Now i know, i must stay calm, smile and do not show the panels if am stressed by their questions. A person said that i am very good in hiding my emotion as my expression usually shows nothing. I hope he is right and it applies very well during the stressful day. Why must worry? i had conduct so many interviews for my company, and now i am the one who will be interviewed, what’s the big deal ? (ececeh, berlagak)
I dare not to say anything about my chance. But i felt that this is the only opportunity for me to move on with new career. If i failed this time, i do not think i will do it next time coz after this i will be going far in HR field, i’ll be confirmed with my new post in HR as a section head and the remuneration will become much better. (ayat2 slps ini bunyinyer mcm berlagak atau kononnya nak positifkan diri)I wont give a damn if JPA doesnt want me in their service. I am not the one who need to regret but THEY WILL as they had overlooked my capabilities. A private employer who is from different race, trust my capability very much and do not hesitate to hire me during the 1st interview, datang terus dapat. And after only three years, they trust me to become the leader of a very unfamiliar department with me which i have no depth knowledge about it. I dun want to work only to increase the wealth of the shareholders of this company, i want to service the society, that’s why i want to join the public service, but what can i do if JPA look down on me. Err.. i just realized one thing, i am walking far away from my original field, computer science! Wamakaru Wamakarallah, Wallahuhairulmakirin.
Now, i felt much better, i need take a shower and prepare for a meeting tonight, regarding the Maulidur Rasul. Chow bebeh.. Wassalam.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A hectic week

Pretty hectic day, my conclusion of today’s at work. This morning I wrote an entry half way, telling all good stuff, kinda excited feeling. But unfortunately, suddenly my pc hang and all the text was gone!!! A bad sign, and it was true. I need to confront a number of colleagues who are really2 selfish, stubborn, arrogant (the list continue..). Arghh !!! I just couldn’t force myself to present a smiley face in front of people for the rest of this day. They dun even care and try to understand my situation. Who they think they are. I hate when people mixing up personal matters with job. You hate me, its ok, I can take it, but do not make me like criminal, questioning a lot of things, like all that I am doing are wrong. Ok lah, I surrender, it was my mistake, puas hati? Sometimes, surrender or be humble is the best way when dealing with such people. Humble doesn’t mean that I am a loser. It just that the opponent that fail to control their selves. They didn’t realize it now but some day they will.
Oh yeah, I wanna highlight sumthin to you guys. Whoever have my cell phone number with maxis line, delete it from your address book coz I am not using it anymore. In fact, I have no idea where I had placed the sim card. Emm.. actually.. dun tell people huh.. I think, my old phone number had been sold in black market becoz of so many strange number came into my line, sms ing and miscall ing (huhu.. is it the right words, ahakss.. who cares anyway). So, better to take no more risk, buy a new number which happened to be nearly the same with my office number. So, I dun think I will reveal the number to everybody, whoever need it, just email me and I ‘ll give straight to u guys. Sometimes it is quite cool and good to be a lone ranger with nobody disturbing you. So far, not more than 10 people knew the number including my family. And I had made sure that those special people are sincere enough not to simply give it to anybody.
I sprained my hand or maybe sedikit salah urat. Last night, I had my housemate to massage my hand and ouchhh.. giler sakit. A good thing about my housemate, she is good at massaging, siap sedawa kemain lagi tu, banyak angin. And today, my hand already swollen and some bruise appear. My housemate keeps nagging, what have I done lately until the hand become very bad. I am not sure about that, probably becoz of the hard work at home during kenduri last weekend. I was very tired. Luckily the kenduri had been held on Sunday night so I had the whole day of Sunday to rest. So tired until I forgot about my friend’s wedding ceremony. Early Monday morning, I need to wake up early, as I had to send my brother first to JB before heading straight to Pasir Gudang.
One more story, and pliz dun tell people huh.. hehe. I have a problem to settle with two guys at my workplace. Both of them had asked me out with them. Ahaks.. the 1st guy is a bachelor but I can tell he is childish eventhough he is older than me, in fact he is shorter than me physically hehe. I dun know why he is very serious with the invitation, he gave a very non-concrete reason, symbol of appreciation as I had helped him with his OT claim allowances. Hehe.. the second guy is worse, already married with a few kids, and I know his wife very well. What the hell is going on? The wife is very2 kind and he is trying to main kayu 3 di belakang. I just couldn’t accept it. He is such a coward guy. Kirim salam belakang2, and asked people to convey the invitation for me. Is he has no more nose to become very shy or what? I knew since a long time ago that he likes me and my colleague, next table also feel the same thing. Hehehe.. I gave a condition to these 2 guys, we may go to lunch together but I’ll be accompanied by somebody else. If it is only two of us, sorry lah. Actually, my heart told me to just decline but my mind told me that nothing wrong about going out for lunch, save my budget whaatt.. hehe. For the 1st time only, but if it happened to be melarat2, then beware of what I am going to do. I dun want to be a negative thinker but I think these guys are only trying to menumpang senang, maaf cakap. I am not a rich chap, not from a rich family. But maybe becoz of my high position in HR will help people a lot, that’s mean be close to me will be a very big advantage. Besides, all people know how I treated akhi, how I help him when he is helpless. So, I see no reason why people will not try to take advantage on me, assuming that I’ll treat them as good as I had treated akhi last time. Oh my god.. if they think that way, they deserve the best flying kick from me.
Time to pen off. Not yet 6 o’clock but all people gone already, what happen? May be the traffic on PG highway is badly congested or jam. So, why staying alone here, chow…

Friday, June 03, 2005

Taaaaakk Laaaraaaaatttt...

Hai... Assalamualaikum.. I am back!! Hehe, i believe nobody except a person who care if this blog is updated or not. Well, who is he/she? Ahaks.. of coz it is me, myself. Who else? hehe
Tomorrow, early in the morning, i'll drive back to Kota. Hemm.. i called abah this afternoon to tell him about my car alarm. Apa dah jadi? So stupid, the car alarm had gone crazy, as crazy as the owner right now. Just imagine when some weird sound coming out from inside your car, like a timing bomb u know, aiyaarghhh somebody wanna kill me!! ahaks.. I guess u all know, there is a small red light near to your stering wheel that will blink right after u lock your car. Suddenly, it happened that the light continued to blink, with the same rhythm with the timing bomb like sound. It continuously like that even when i start to drive my car. I was worried but prayed that nothing serious. Oh no, my prayers were not accepted. Suddenly on my way back to home, the car alarm was activated itself. Mengaum2 kereta. Malunya muka !!! Cepat2 berenti and get out from the car, i pressed so many buttons and tetiba dia mati sendiri, selamat. This situation happened twice in this week, i did go to EON Service Centre nearby but the guy there told me that the alarm is ok. Mangkuk betul, dia tak check, terus kata ok, lempang karang. Tu yg nak balik kampung and send my car to the trusted service centre kat kota utk check.
Uhhh.. my days are getting worse. But i tried my best not to crack under pressure. Entahlah, kepala dah pening banyak sgt benda nak difikir. I am simply NOT a laid back person. Tak boleh nak buat bodoh jer. Just now, i type all the stuff yg buat aku pening kepala but at the end, i higlighted all of them n pressed the delete button. Entahlah ek, nak kata takut dikatakan lemah, tak jugak. Tapi mungkin tak larat badan memikul menyebabkan mata turut tak larat walaupun nak membaca segala masalah dan beban tu. Oklah nak balik dah ni, sumer orang dah beransur. Nak balik umah, nak cari barang sikit, nak basuh baju. Esok nak balik pagi2, abah wat kenduri sikit kat umah.